23.10.2010 21:25
Tento rok sa európska výstava Tibetských plemien konala v Celje v Slovinsku. Na výstave sme sa stretli s Ardinkinou rodinou KHYI-MI. Ardin bola z cesty unavená, ale aj napriek jej unave si v otvorenej triede vybehala pekný posudok a z konkurencie 5 feniek si odniesla krásne hodnotenie Výborná 2,res.CAC!
This year, the European dog breeds Tibetan held in Celje-Slovenia. At the show we met with family Ardin KHYI-MI. Ardin was tired of the way, but in spite of its exhaustion in the open class got a nice review and 5 females competitors took home a beautiful rating Excellent 2,res.CAC!
TDE 2010 |